Dance Artist | Choreographer
Founder of Transcendental Embodiment
CID International Dance Council, UNESCO
Grounded from the Sky
The Lady & Amor - Asmundur Sveinsson
(French below)
From the Earth, a feeling of existence
From the Sky, a feeling of becoming
The in-between tends to reach both extremes
Empowering life cycle
The past, the present and the future into one heartbeat
Representation of humanity
The birth into the mourning of the matter
Motionless blessing
Inanimate maternity surrenders to the shiny dust
Milky white blanket protecting the infant from the eternity
Eternity of stillness
Ephemeral crystal powder
Living and melts on life
Yet rests on inert bodies

Sculpture: Lady & Amor by Asmundur Sveinsson
Reykjavik Art Museum Asmundarsafn
Music: Max Richter - On Reflection
Performer: Tiffany Mc Swaker
Videomaker: Tiffany Margelin
De la Terre, un sentiment d'existence
Du ciel, un sentiment de devenir
L'entre-deux tend à atteindre les deux extrêmes
Renforcement du cycle de la vie
Le passé, le présent et l'avenir en un seul battement de cœur
Représentation de l'humanité
La naissance dans le deuil de la matière
Bénédiction immobile
La maternité inanimée, esseulée dans la brillante poussière
Laiteuse couverture blanche protégeant l'enfant de l'éternité
Éternité d'immobilité
Poudre de cristal éphémère
Vit et fond sur la vie
Repose sur des corps inertes
I wanted to explore in a philosophic way, the relationship between the statue and its surrounding landscape. Reputing in question the essence of life. The statue representing the birth into the immobility, lifeless in parallelism with the embodiment of life with mother nature and the human body - life in itself.
I explored vulnerability (during a pandemic time, human life is quite fragile - the body gets red of coldness). The ephemeral aspect of nature ( the snow melting on the warm skin but rests on the sculpture representing the life cycle).
I decided to realize the close-up frame to the hands in relation to the paint The Creation of Adam (1512)
by Michel-Ange - the creative hands of the human race. Powerful hands that have done the sculpture, again, reaching human life towards the sky.