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Transcendental Embodiment


All the past and upcoming events will be published here. Founder of Transcendental Embodiment (TE), Tiffany transmits her practice of healing dance through contemporary dance techniques in workshops and one-on-one. She has taught in various communities, festivals, and spiritual retreats in France, Spain, Mexico, and Iceland.

For private sessions, click here


Paris, France

9th October 2022

Take care of your body, free your mind, and dance with your soul. Join us for a bit of artistic magic through introspective and meditative dances.


Link to the event: 

Barcelona, Spain

28th September - 2nd of October 2022

Join us to dance and retreat for 5 days of late summer gathering between artists, researchers & transpersonal therapists at the Festival of Devotional Arts.

Link to the event:

Reykjavik, Iceland

7th and 17th May 2022

Come and join us for a beautiful spring ritual with Ceremonial Cacao, guided meditation, light breath work, meditative and contact dance.

Link to the event:

Mazunte, Mexico

3rd January 2022

Set your intentions and desires into energetic integration and tangible manifestation for the 1st New Moon of 2022.

Link to the event:

Reykjavik, Iceland

21st November 2021

Following the full moon in Taurus, the first earth element that governs the throat, we will open our voices, exploring sound and movement to cleanse and ground ourselves with the intention of communicating and sharing our truths.

Link to the event:

Laugar í Sælingsdal, Iceland

23rd - 26th September 2021

Join us to dance and retreat for 3 days in the north of Iceland at the Wild Love Festival.

This two days workshop on dance and bliss calls for anyone who enjoys movement and dance, and desires a better connection and understanding with their moving body.

Link to the event: